
Journal Papers

A.H. Tan, F. Pizarro Bejarano, Y. Zhu, R. Ren, and G. Nejat, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Multi-Robot Exploration With Macro Actions,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(1):272–279, 2023. [paper] [preprint]

Conference Papers

F. Pizarro Bejarano, L. Brunke, and A.P. Schoellig, “Multi-Step Model Predictive Safety Filters: Reducing Chattering by Increasing the Prediction Horizon,” in Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023. [preprint]


S. Zhou, L. Brunke, A. Tao, A.W. Hall, F. Pizarro Bejarano, J. Panerati, and A.P. Schoellig, “What is the Impact of Releasing Code with Publications? Statistics from the Machine Learning, Robotics, and Control Communities,” 2023. [preprint]


F. Pizarro Bejarano, “Research and Implementation of Decentralized Multi-Robot Coordination Methods Applied to Urban Search and Rescue,” Bachelor’s thesis, Toronto, 2021. Supervisor: Prof. Goldie Nejat (UofT) [preprint]


Organizer for “Workshop on Benchmarking, Reproducibility, and Open-Source Code in Controls” at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023 [workshop-link]